Sadie is a wonderful and VERY sweet dog. She is just about a year old. She is full grown and weighs 14 lbs. She has been spayed, UTD on shots and is micro-chipped. She will need a home that has a fenced in yard because she likes to run and chase squirrels and other small rodents. (That is the terrier in her.)
She has a lot of puppy energy but also likes to snuggle up on someones lap and take a nap. She gets along with other dogs (her foster home has 5 other dogs that she plays with.) Potty training has been going great and as long as she is taken out on a schedule she doesn't have an accident in the house. She would not be too happy living in an apartment, she does tend to bark when she is crated. Her foster home crates her at night. If you have any questions about Sadie, please feel free to ask.
If you are interested please fill out our adoption application and email it to If you are interested please go to and fill out the application. You can then attach it to an email and send it to Her adoption fee will be $199
*Will only adopt w/in a 50 mile radius of Cincinnati
*Applicants are required to have a fenced in yard. Application, veterinary reference, adoption fee and home check are required to adopt. NOTE: Once you submit an application and are approved, we will then contact you and answer any further questions you might have. Thanks :0)
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