Thursday, March 19, 2009

RIP little Kangaroo

Gracie went to meet Niles today on the Rainbow Bridge. After all of our efforts and prayers she let us know it was her time to go. As hard as it was to make this decision we know she was suffering and could not go on any longer. Gracie was lucky to have lived with Jenny and Tim for 17 weeks and got the chance to feel true love. If it wasn't for them she would never had made it as long as she did. Gracie got the chance to snuggle in bed with her "people", play with her friends (especially Sadie), go to the dog park, chew up all the Hanky Panky's she could find and so much more. Most dogs will never get to experience any of those things. Gracie was an amazing puppy whose life was cut short due to a devastating disease. She will always remind us why it is that we do what we do. It is the little ones like her that we fight so hard for. If only her mom Freya was fed good quality food and taken care of we would not be in this situation and Gracie would be happy and healthy. Thank you Gracie for coming into our lives and making such a difference.

My mom said tonight, all a dog really wants in life is to someone who loves them so much that they would cry when they die. Someone who loves them so much it just breaks their hearts when they pass. Gracie was lucky enough to have people like that in her life.

If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
and pain should keep me from my sleep,
then you must do what must be done,
for we know this last battle can't be won.

You will be sad, I understand,
but don't let grief then stay your hand,
for this day, more than the rest,
your love and friendship must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years,
what is to come can hold no fears.
Would you want me to suffer? So,
when the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,
only stay with me until the end,
and hold me firm and speak to me,
until my eyes no longer see.

It is a kindness that you do to me,
although my tail it's last has waved,
from pain and suffering I have been saved.

Do not grieve, it should be you,
who must decide this thing to do.
We've been so close, we two these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.