My cousin Chris showed me this website and it is so funny!
Small children's toys may also look like toys to a pet, too, but these fragile knick-knacks can wreak havoc on a pup's delicate tum. They're definitely not gonna hold up to his chompers and, if he gets plastic bits stuck inside, he may have to have surgery. Plastic eggs often smell of the treats inside tempting a pooch to take a nibble. And, if those treats are jellybeans, forget about it. Jellybeans are hard for many children to chew and can cause a choking hazard, imagine what it'd do to a pup.
Even though the paper grass pictured here is not as risky, the shiny, decorative Easter grass can lure in a curious cat, but pose the same problem as tinsel – strands can't be digested, get stuck in their intestines, and totally mess up the digestive system. If you're celebrating this holiday, I recommend not leaving the treats for the two-legged family members unsupervised from the furry friends. And, if you are hiding treats around the house, keep pets in another room and total up all the prizes after they're found to make sure none have been hidden too well for a person . . . but not for a pup's nose!