Everyone is still doing great!!! We really need a foster home for Freya and the puppies. Please help!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Puppies 3 days old
Everyone is still doing great!!! We really need a foster home for Freya and the puppies. Please help!
Animal Testing

The Animal Welfare Act requires laboratories to report the number of animals used in experiments, but it does not cover mice, rats, and birds (used in some 80 to 95 percent of all experiments). Because these animals are not covered by the act, they remain uncounted, and we can only guess at how many actually suffer and die each year.
Many household products and cosmetics companies still pump their products into animals' stomachs, rub them onto their skin, squirt them into their eyes, or force animals to inhale them as aerosol sprays. Charities use donations from private citizens to fund experiments on animals, and the FDA requires all drugs to be tested on animals. However, animals differ from humans significantly, making animal drug tests unreliable and dangerous. New research methods, such as computer models, cell cultures, and human studies are more accurate, less expensive, and much more humane.
Thanks for the link Lou!
Sign the Pledge Against Animal Testing
Nileydog needs a big car!

I have been looking for a car to buy for the rescue. We spend so much money renting all kinds of vans, trucks, and suvs it would be smarter for us to just buy one. In the past few months we spent almost $1,000 just on the rental cars. That doesn't include the insurance or gas or any of that fun stuff. I am looking for an Expedition or something of that size. If you know anyone who is selling one let me know. I need it to be under $5000 so clearly I am not looking for a new one. Or if you know anyone who would want to donate a large suv or give a monetary donation to help us be able to afford one, just tell them to stop by any Nat City bank in the country. We need something this big for when we are transporting 20+ dogs. We have prescious cargo we need to make sure there is room for everyone.
Wish us luck!
Dog health tip of the day!
An exercised dog may rest more calmly at home and be less nervous when left alone. Exercise can improve dogs bone and joint health, heart, and lung function. Exercise makes show dogs look better and feel better to a judge's exploring hands. Because a happy dog looks more gorgeous.
Your smooshy needs a sweater!

Don't forget if you have a Boston or other small dog, they will need to wear a sweater when it get cold out. I know I know. I too said I would never dress my dog. Then I also said I would never get a small dog and now I have two and they both wear sweaters... Winston also got some new boots for the ski house but those are going to take a lot of getting used to. Winston sure is ready for Lake Placid though.

Rita (new name coming soon) & Murphy. Will be rescued from Stranton OH before being sold for scientific research. There are a lot more at the shelter that need help. Jenny and I can only afford to save 1 of these guys. If you want you can help by boarding one of the dogs until its transport can arrive. Luckily a friend of ours, the Lab Rescue in Eastgate, is taking Murphy if we can get these people to write us back.
There are a lot of rescues and a lot of people out of state saying they will take one or three dogs, but transport for these dogs will not be before Wednesday. They have to go somewhere while waiting for their rescues and fosters. We were given until Wednesday to find rescues and fosters. The best way to save these dogs from scientific research is to board them. Can we find 11 people who will board 11 dogs for 30 days. I'm sure a rescue would arrive for each dog before 30 days, and boarding would only charge for the days there. Boarding is $8 at the low end and $15 at the high end, per day. If one boarding fee is expensive, then maybe two people could sponsor one dog. This appears to be the only way to save these dogs in twenty-four hours.
If you want to rescue a dog, and cannot get the dog until a later time, then we must board the dog.

The puppies finally came

Freya had her puppies on Sunday! They are so tiny! They will be ready to go home in about 8 weeks. We are still looking for a foster home for Freya and her puppies.
Freya did not go potty in the cage over night or all day. They took her out a few times today and she was excited and ready to stretch and wow once she got outside she played like a puppy. Jumping all around and very happy. Once she got back in and heard the babies she could not get to them fast enough.
She has 7 boys and 2 girls. The little runt and a black and white one are the girls. She let us touch them and she bathed us and watched us very closely. They are all doing wonderful. She loves getting attention. She is just really worn out. Everyone could not wait to see the babies today. She brought smiles to a lot of faces.
Monday, December 8, 2008

As you know, I co-founded Nileydog Rescue along with my friend Jenny Walker and as you can imagine nonprofits and schools are facing a fund raising crisis this year. Just wanted to remind you that GoodSearch donates $.01 to Nileydog Rescue every time you used them to search. I know this does not seem like it would really help us, but you have helped to raise almost $70.00 for NDR! That's HUGE!!! The amount of searches has drastically decreased over the past few months so I just want to send out a reminder to everyone and ask that you please help us. We are all aware of the money issues our country is having now and it is even harder for Jenny and I to pay all of our very bills up front.
Donations can also be made at any National City bank in the country if you are interested in making a monetary donation. Thank you so much for all of your support. Jenny and I are very pleased to announce that we have passed our 250th dog rescued and are well on our way to 300 dogs! Not bad for two 25 years old full time students with full time jobs!!! Thanks again for your support.
Also with all of the holiday shopping coming up, please remember that GoodSearch also donates for shopping. There are over 700 of the top internet retailers who will donate to us just for shopping! Just go to www.goodsearch.com then go down to where it says "who do you good shop for" then make sure you put in Nileydog Rescue and then find the store you want from the drop down box on the left. Please ask me if you have any questions. It takes just a few seconds to go to www.goodshop.com, select Nileydog Rescue, and then click through to your favorite store and shop as usual.
To give you a sense of how the money can add up, the ASPCA has already earned more than $17,000!
Please tell 10 friends about GoodShop and GoodSearch today. They've been featured in the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Oprah Magazine and more.
Charities need our help to spread the word now more than ever!
Sunday, December 7, 2008

We put Nickie down the day after Thanksgiving. He was almost 15 years old. I remember the day we got him he dug up all my moms rose bushes. He has a mind of his own and was very stubborn but he was the best dog we could have asked for. He is now able to run and play with his buddy Niles again. We will miss him.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is the apartment when we found it.

Jefferson Event
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Jefferson Event
Yesterday Jenny, my Mom and Jenny's Mom all loaded up our cars w/ dogs and went to the Jefferson outlet malls for our first NDR rescue event. We weren't really sure what to expect but it turned out to be a great day! We got a lot of donations, exposure, found a new foster home, and even adopted out a dog!Thanks to Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue for the invite!
My love Trusty was adopted yesterday by an amazing family in Kentucky! Hopefully he won't pee in their house or fight with their dog or any other crazy things that would send him back to us! Good luck Trusty!!!!
First Nileydog Event!

Nileydog Rescue will be at the Jefferson Outlet mall near Columbus on Saturday September 6th! This is our first big event so we are very excited and very busy trying to get everything ready. Please come up and show your support :0) Chessie our Chocolate Lab / Chesapeake Bay Retriever will be in a fashion show and little Winston will be helping out Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue in the kissing booth. Trusty will be coming too, just to pee on everything. Hopefully we will get out little guy back from the apartment complex and he will be coming up also. So again please let people know and come up and visit us!!!!!!!
Thanks Lou & Linda Walker for all of your help!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I want to say thank you to Jenny! She always thinks I am the strong one and I keep all of this going but we wouldn't have a rescue if it weren't for her. She is the one who told me about Gallia and she continues to tell me about all of the hell dogs go through. She keeps the passion in what we do, she is the one with the heart. I might be the one who can go out and pick out the dogs we can save but if it weren't for her I would never get in the car to go there. So thanks love, for you passion, drive, and love for all the unloved animals in the world... Because of you there will never be a wasted animal at our table :0)
Police Activity
A few weeks ago Jenny came to visit me at work, we got a call from a tenant who said there was a dog running around. Of course she calls us and of course Jenny just happened to be up there that day. So we ran down and got the dog. We called a lady, who had some other dogs, that we thought could foster this one. She came up and got the dog. Jenny called the humane society and told them what was going on. I called her a few days ago and told her we found a home and needed the dog back. Well she wont return my calls now and I can't get him back. Tomorrow at 3:00 the West Chester police and I are going to go over and get him back! After that I will quickly start charging them $135.00 a month for their dogs (they will have 9 once I get mine back)!!! Wish us luck!UPDATE: We didn't get him back! Keep your fingers crossed we get him back soon :0(
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
How it all started!

When I was 16 Michele and I walked in to the Cincinnati SPCA on a mission to find a puppy! We walked around and saw 2 runs full of puppies. There was a little man in the back who was the ugliest dog of the bunch. I wanted that one!!! We took him home, named him Niles, and had to convince Mom and Dad we could keep him. (I always liked the name Niles b/c it was a street in Mt. Lookout, it just so happened to be the street down from where Michele was hit by a car when we were riding bike... but that is another story). Well Niles came down with a bad case of Parvo and they told us he had about a 10% chance of surviving. Well he did and he lived a healthy life until Christmas 2007 when he was diagnosed with cancer. After 3 surgeries and 7 months of Chemo Niles crossed the rainbow bridge on July 10th. It was at home and his family was around him. He was in so much pain we actually felt a bit of relief when it was over.
Niles was a rescue dog, someone had him and decided they no longer wanted him. If Michele and I didn't randomly walk into the SPCA that day, Nileydog Rescue would not be what it is. This might sound silly but I made a promise to Niles that I would do everything in my power to help other dogs in shelters have a chance. If this little guy could bring us so much happiness for 8 years, imagine all the happiness that is put down in shelters every day!
October 31st 08' I started working for a property management company in Cincinnati. When I went in to interview, I met this woman named Jenny Walker, she apparently thought I was there to take her job so she was not to fond of me. One of the first things we talked about was dogs and I think that is when she started to like me (even though she told everyone in the office that she hated me)..... The first rescue Jenny and I went on was to the Trenton pound to pull a Boston Terrier who I fostered for MWBTR. Jenny had been helping transport dogs for local rescues. We started doing shelter runs together, we would rent a cargo van and drive out to Adams, Scioto, and Gallia counties. We would literally pack the van with dog crates and put as many in as we could . We were lucky there were no "big" fights in the van. We would usually pull about 20-30 dogs. They were all covered in their own feces, some were so matted they couldn't even walk. The Gallia warden and I spent over an hour bathing one and pulling off all of the ticks on him. The last time we had a big load we ran out of room so we drove home with a Redbone Coonhound between us, a mini pin on Jen's lap and another one at her feet. I still don't know what happened but Jenny ended up with 22 dogs at her house. Out of these 22, 1 came down with Parvo, 2 had kennel cough, 1 cocidea (not sure if I spelled that right), one stepped on a nail and needed surgery and not to mention the mass they found in his colon which could be cancerous. Well after hours spent at the 911 vet, thinking we were going to have to euthanize a dog in Jenny's back yard, and $1,000's of dollars of our own money everyone turned out ok and all but 3 have been adopted. So if you know anyone who is interested in adopting a puppy send them my way!
Since then Jenny and I have gone on a few more shelter runs (she is no longer allowed to come to the shelter, I have to drop her off at a store close by b/c she tries to take all of the dogs) none have been as intense as this one, but im sure that will change the next time we go. Ill keep you posted Shell :0)