I have been looking for a car to buy for the rescue. We spend so much money renting all kinds of vans, trucks, and suvs it would be smarter for us to just buy one. In the past few months we spent almost $1,000 just on the rental cars. That doesn't include the insurance or gas or any of that fun stuff. I am looking for an Expedition or something of that size. If you know anyone who is selling one let me know. I need it to be under $5000 so clearly I am not looking for a new one. Or if you know anyone who would want to donate a large suv or give a monetary donation to help us be able to afford one, just tell them to stop by any Nat City bank in the country. We need something this big for when we are transporting 20+ dogs. We have prescious cargo we need to make sure there is room for everyone.
Wish us luck!
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