Friday, March 4, 2011


Nileydog is so very excited to announce that we are officially 501(c)(3)!!  This is huge news for us.  We have been working on this for about 2 years and it has finally happened.   We are now able to do so much more that we werent able to before.   We will be having our own adoption events on the weekend at Petsmart.  We will be posting the dates and locations of all adoption events so stay tuned. 

Up for adoption

We have some bugs who are still looking for their forever homes.   Elle, Lucy, Aster, Dexter and Rigby are eagerly awaiting someone to come and adopt them. 

Puppy update

All of the puppies have finally been adopted.  Ron was the last one we had and the family that adopted Draco decided that he needed a buddy and they decided to adopt Ron also.   Ron and Draco and doing very well and they are happy to have been reunited.  

Nileydog Newest addition

We are so very happy NDR has a new friend named Pete who is wanting to volunteer their time.  Pete is currently completely re-doing the website.  We are very excited about this and the changes so far are amazing.  Stay tuned it wont be much longer until we have a brand new look :)

Thanks Pete!