Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Exercising with your Dog

My good friend always sends me everything she sees about dogs which is great because then I can share with everyone on here.  She send me this article yesterday about exercising with your dogs.  I am sure I am not the only person who made a New Years Resolution to start working out more so this couldn't have come at a better time.  The article is from the Huffinton Post and here is the link 5 Ways to Exercise with your Dog.

They have some great ideas but I think my favorite one would have to be  skijor.  I have never heard of this until now, but it looks like it would be SO much fun.  If only we would get some snow over here in Ohio.  Skijor is an amalgam of cross-country skiing and mushing, in which a person cross-country skis with a dog harnessed to him. The team effort -- the dog pulls forward while the person uses skis and polls to keep momentum going -- results in great distance and speed. 

Foreclosed Dogs

A friend in Texas recently bought a house and when she went there she saw two dogs tied up in the back yard.  They are both safe and getting medical attention and will eventually be adopted into amazing homes.  It always amazes me how people can just stop caring about their pets when they need to move.  I will never understand that.   Bruce was neutered on Monday, they were both covered in fleas and they are being treated for some very pesky worms.  

Mr. Lab Before

Mr. Lab After in his new home

Bruce before

Bruce on his way to the vet


Maximus is a very lucky little man.  He was found on the side of the road along with his sibling, who unfortunately did not make it.   The woman who found Maximus called our friend Laurie in Texas who immediately went to his rescue.   He is a tiny little puppy who is full of energy and loves to play.   He is growing everyday and is looking for his forever home.  We do not think he will have a very hard time finding it though.