Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nileydog was on Fox news today!!

We had a great time today at the Fox 19 morning news.  Our good friend Stephany set everything up for us.  Nevil also got the chance to meet Constantine Maroulis and Meghan Mongillo.   You can check out the video link below.




Friday, October 15, 2010

Parvo Dogs

Aster and Abby are Parvo positive.  This is a pretty serious intestinal disease that eats away at the intestines.   We are giving them sub q fluids 3 times a day along with antibiotics and some other meds to help with the upset tummies.  I will keep everyone posted on their recovery.  Hopefully the other 12 wont get it. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Went for 2, came home with 14

There were some very lucky and happy dogs in Estill Co, Kentucky.   We planned on getting 2 small dogs and came home with a car full.   Luckily we didnt leave many behind and the ones we did were getting picked up by other rescues.  We got 4 older dogs and 10 puppies.  They were all covered in so many fleas that the bath water was red from all the blood that came off them.  They are full of worms and all kinds of nasty stuff.  They are just babies and little ones and dont deserve to be treated like that.  So needless to say NDR scooped them all up!