Friday, October 28, 2011

Carbon Pawprints...

I was reading an article on one of my favorite websites,, and they opened my eyes to some neat things.  So I am not one of those hard-core environmentalists, they mentioned, but I would like to think I do my part to make the word a better and healthier place for me and my pets.  Some people will say that being a pet owner is hard on the environment, obviously we arent going to give up our furbabies but maybe we can make them a little more eco friendly.  Here are a few tips I found.

- Feeding them organic foods and locally made and packaged food helps dramatically.  Support companies that use recycled packaging or packaging that is environmentally friendly. 

- Everyone poops!  Make sure to scoop the poop using environmentally friendly packaging and compost the poop.   Sounds kinda gross but you should try it.  Magical things happen in that compost pile.

- Use no toxic shampoos and other doggie products on your pooches.  All this stuff runs into our rivers so we should think about what is in the products.

- Dogs like to take their owners on walks.  Try walking instead of driving everywhere, especially ifs its only a few miles away.

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