Sunday, April 19, 2009


We picked up a 4 month old Great Dane yesterday! She has some pretty bad mange but it is clearing up very well. She is very sweet and HUGE! She has not grown into her feet so she is a little clumsy still. She comes with her AKC Papers too!!! She is going to the vet in the morning and will hopefully get this all cleared up soon.

Cloey Happy Tail

Cloey was adopted yesterday by an amazing family. She is so lucky they found her. Of course I cried when she left... I wonder if I will ever get used to all of this. I didnt even spend any time with Cloey, it just makes me so happy she got a second chance at life and made a family so happy, I just cant stand to think that she shouldn't even be alive right now. Just breaks my heart.... Good luck Cloey, you deserve all the happiness in the world!!!!